How To Make Employees Happy
What do Tony Robbins and Heritage Business Solutions have in common? We are both passionate entrepreneurs who are dedicated to changing the lives of others. We are both gifted with years of experience and knowledge that has landed us in a position to help others achieve their dreams. Over the years I have seen too many small businesses fail because of poor company management. Too many high-quality employees have left and found new jobs because of bad leadership and lack of company vision. With the right tools and knowledge this is preventable. I recently came across an article written by Tony Robbins which contained the same ideas that we teach here at Heritage Business Solutions. I felt the need to share with you some of our vision and how we can help your company grow and profit.
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Understand Their Personalities
If you want happy employees, first you must understand who they are and what skills they have. One of the best personality assessments is the DISC personality profile developed by Walter Clark. This assessment breaks the person into one of four personality traits.
Cement Your Business' Highest Vision
As with understanding your businesses identity, its important not to lose focus on your vision. Its easy to steer off course as your business grows, taking the company down undesired paths and causing confusion with employees. Without a clear vision you can quickly lower moral and cause conflict. Keep the employees involved, listen to their advice, and make sure you have quality leaders in the right positions.
Understand Your Own Business Identity
As a business owner you must know your business identity. Knowing your goals and why you do what you do, is key to guiding your employees. In order to help employees see your vision, you first have to know what that vision is.
Ensure Smooth Sailing
Running a smooth-sailing business is a way to keep employees around for years to come. When a business is running smoothly with little conflict, the employees happiness, job performance, and work ethic increases. If the work environment is stressful with constant chaos and tension, they will look for stabler options.